Great Clients-Zero Outlay!
This proven & tusted strategy can be implemented in minutes & creates a waiting list of ideal clients wanting to pay you what you're worth over & over again...
And leaves impossible to please, penny pinching non-commited clients for the competition to struggle with!
Works even if you have no time for sales, your business is full of tire kickers who never commit... & you're totally burned out almost all the time!"
#1 most trusted & effective new business generator on the planet in 2025 (Nielsen Trust). Best of all, there's zero outlay so it cannot impact cashflow.
This ethical must-have strategy helps get you the big money clients you need for business to run smoothly, without the stress.
It also has the highest profit margin, lowest cost to acquire & highest conversion rates of any marketing, which is why it's a 'must-have' for any small business, coach or consultant wanting to get more clients, faster & for less time and effort.
People call this the "Zero Cost Sales Engine", because it brings you word of mouth sales, referrals & influencer sales you'd normally lose out on, almost on autopilot!
- Hands-Off Client Generator: The easiest & fastest way to get a viral-like steady flow of word of mouth business for 2025 with zero effort. (8 simple words)
- Prospect-Autopilot Shows you how to line up a steady stream of easy to convert clients who already want to work with you. So much so, you'll want to charge more to cope with new demand! No sales 'close' required!
- The Sole-Authority Formula: Makes you the #1 go-to person influencers and authorities in your niche want to work with, who can transform your businsess, & cast asdie the tire kicker scraps for others to fight over!
- Why 'bottomless pockets' stifle client generation. How the '3 Wins Strategy' consistently outperforms all other strategies, even the bloated competition with unlimited ad budget, for converting prospects into clients for zero outlay.
- The Trust-Convertors: Get the exact words and templates that work for your business, that get Under-The-Radar high value clients to want to almost beg to work with you.
The Zero Cost Sales Engine delivers new high value business over and over again 24/7, 365 Days a year... For FREE!
The landscape to get clients to refer you great business has changed almost beying recogition.
But done's still the most effective
client generator on the planet!
(But don't take my word for it, see what these legends of business have to say...)
Jay Abraham (also referred to as the $6bn dollar man) calls this the "Holy Grail of Marketing", and "if he could only do one form of marketing for the rest of his life, this would be it".
Mark Zuckerberg: "There is nothing as powerful as a recommendation from a trusted friend".
As a consultant, coach or small business owner, you've probably seen it before...
You put in a proposal or quote, people love what you do, and you sit back waiting for the business to roll in, only to watch in frustration as coiled like a snake, a slick salesperson closes the business right from under your nose.
All that time, effort and money, down the pan, let alone the frustration at always coming off second best!
Worse even... when you have an intelligent heavy duty influencer front of you, who can get you a ton of high value business and catapult you to the next level, who despite bing great at business, like lemings follows the others off the edge of the cliff... to a competitor who doesn't deserve the business, or create the results you do.
And if this is you, I promise you are alone!
Fact 1: 99 out of a 100 consultants, coaches and business-owners leave money on the table, for undeserving competitors to take at will. Business that can literally transform your business/consultancy or coaching practice overnight, like it did mine!
Fact 2: Nielsen trusted consumer research trust: Trusted think tank Nielsen "92% of people trust a referral from someone they trust"... leaving the other 8% or 1 in 12 of us, fighting for the dregs at the bottom of the barrel often! (definitely my experience).
I help you bridge that get and get in the top 1% people of people, who get referred the very best, hard to get business, that most people never even get a look in, and it's not as hard as you might think.
I was doing business exactly the same until I ended up literally losing my business completely and going bankrupt 25 years ago
I knew things had to change, and change fast if I was going to turn it around. And I did turn it around in a grand fashion!
I found a way to get the 'Holy Grail of leads' that convert to clients to leads faster than a conjurer can pull a rabbit out of a hat, in a way they'll love. And in a way that transformed my own failing business into a multiple 7 figure money magnet, n less than an hour a day, within 30 days. I'm not saying this to brag. I just want you to know it is possible it's a way for the good guys and gals to get more of the business they deserve.
Your 25 year shortcut: I show you this forgotten art, and how to get high value clients and influencers to want to refer you (nothing sleazy or pushy), that have the potential to transform your business almost overnight, like it did mine.
Is everyone's business the same? Of course not! But if you deal with clients, this is the best way to generate high value business on autopilot there is, as proven for thousands of years of evolution. It's just knowing how to motivate people in the right way, to get clients to want to refer you. Imagine for a moment how much 1 extra referred client will make you? Or 10? Or 100 or more...
Welcome to Client Getter for coaches, consultants and small businesses, and how to get an avalanche of high value business to come to you, almost on autopilot, for low or no cost. The way to get clients that took me from broke... to 7 figures in less than 30 days!
So how can you do this for you and your business?
Become the go-to consultant, coach or small business with the 'R.E.A.P. Client Generating Formula©'
& get paid what you deserve!
1. Ready
Strategize the "3 Holy Grails Of Client Referral Generation
How to put these client generating strategies in place, that bring a consistent flow of ideal client over and over again.
Our Story
Write this section in third-person, meaning you should not use the words ‘I’ or ‘We’ or ‘Me’. Instead, talk about yourself objectively using 'he' or 'she'. Use this space to show off your achievements and prove why you are the right person to be providing the services you provide. But just after you’ve talked yourself up, make sure you end on a friendly note. You don’t want to sound intimidating, you want to sound knowledgeable and friendly.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.
July Graham ● Financial Consultant
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.
Paul Simons ● Writer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.
July Graham ● Financial Consultant
How to Get [Benefit] Without [Pain Point]
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